In August 2006 the Comemenius 3 Project LTE
Learning and Teaching (Foreign Languages) Efficiently on the Basis of Innovative Methods and ICT
had been approved by the European Commission.
Out of 41 applications 4 had been approved. Concerning the approved budget LTE received the highest sum - 823 531 € - and became number one. All in all 16 European Countries took part in that network which ran for 36 month until October 2009.
Thus it is possible to prove the contents of SRL at a European level, too.
Dr. Theodor Waigel
German Minister of Finance from 1989 - 1998
Dr. Josef Meier
University of Augsburg
This project is about creating an international platform through which innovative teaching and learning methods for education in foreign languages can be showcased and exchanged. The aims are to explore the content and objectives of existing national teaching plans; to compare tried and tested learning and teaching methods; to present. evaluate, improve and develop innovative approaches (i.e. low-stress ways of learning foreign languages, uses of information and communications technology, education for lifelong learning and independent learning); to disseminate innovative foreign-language learning methods at European level; and to create a platform for existing and new Socrates and e-learning projects. The target groups are pupils, students, teachers. school governing bodies, ministries of culture, universities, educational publishers. employees and course directors in companies and administrative authorities, and people of all ages who want to learn foreign languages independently. It is intended that new approaches to teaching and learning will be identified, so that anxiety, nervousness and tension in examination situations can be reduced and motivation can be increased. A European-level exchange would probably be useful to this end and could facilitate exchanges of ideas about the methodology and didactics of learning, and specifically foreign-language learning. The intention is to incorporate the results of the research into teaching plans at European level, thus helping to improve efficiency in foreign-language learning while reducing the stress associated with it.
University of Augsburg, Germany
University of Alicante, Spain
Universidad de Catolica Portuguesa - Escola Superior de Biotecnologia - Centro de Competencia Nonio, Portugal
University of the Aegean, Greece
The Technical University of Lodz, Poland
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Stord Haugesund University College, Norway
Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres de Champagne-Ardenne, France
Center for Undervisningsmidler, University College South Denmark, CVU
English Club foundation, Bulgaria
Nkotnes kapitis jaunatnei un sportam, Riga, Latvia
Cellulule de Pilotage de l´Enseignement Communal d´Anderlecht, Belgium
Kainuu Vocational college, Kainuu, Finland
Ies Josep Vallverdu, Spain
Liceo Classico Statale “Vittorio Emanuele II”, Palermo, Italy
“Maria Bajulescu” Technical College, Romania
Reid Kerr College, UK
Jakob-Brucker-Gymnasium, Kaufbeuren, Germany
Birgittaskolan, Sweden
ISB, Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung, Germany
Associated Partners:

One aim of SRL is not only to reduce stress in connection with learning but in every day life. Therefore first contacts have been made outside the area of learning. Together with Angela Miller the coordinator designed a concept to reduce stress that will be implemented in cooperation with IPO (International Prevention Organisation) - IPO is the biggest network for health and partnership success in Europe. By this Anti-Stress-Project all people should find help to reduce stress.